unlock hidden wealth in Real estate


Learn the RIGHT way to Wholesale Real Estate and Purchase Property Creatively

Proven Systems for Success

No Guessing here

Understand the real estate wholesaling business with a comprehensive, tried-and-true roadmap to success.

Confidently source and flip properties

Source right

Gain confidence with tried & true methods - no fluff - get the real roadmap to success in this business. Use the data sets we use every month to find deals nationwide.

Step-by-step guidance

" You'll learn the right steps from Acquiring to Closing deals every month."


Unlock hidden potential in the property market

Become an expert investor – by the end of invisible inventory you'll have the knowledge to be considered dangerous. What's even better than that is the tribe we are building and you'll be a part of it. Remember it takes a village and we can all learn from each-other's ups & downs!

Mentorship Styles offered

Group Setting

Our Group Mentorship is focused on a maximum group of 10 people per week. Each week we go over issues that people are facing in the business and we provide solutions as well as market trends to help all. If you thrive in groups this is right for you!

Offered in weekly increments

1 on 1

If you need a more private mentorship that is specifically designed around your current level of business, we can offer that as well.

No Upsells


-Seller Finance
-Subject To
-MidTerm Rentals
-Long Term Rentals
and more..


Which one??

Learn what is best for your business... not just what is HOT! Don't be silly in following the GURU that is pitching their "Secret Sauce".

We want to see you


Your success is our success. No conflict of interest here.

learn everything from Wholesaling | Creative Finance | Land Trusts | Group Mentoring

unlock hidden wealth today

Whether you’re a newbie or been in the business for a while you will waste more time, energy, sanity, and dollars not learning what I have to share with you. Let's get you back on track!

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